Boo! Halloween is approaching! This is the perfect opportunity to try some new vegan sweet treats! Not only for adults, but especially for kids this time of year. It can be almost as frightening as a haunted house to look at the ingredients list of traditional Halloween candy. Things like excessive use of synthetic dyes and heavy metals have been linked to behavioral issues in children and even cancer (Source). Yet, these candies continue to be marketed to children, even more so on Halloween for all of the trick-or-treating. This is why finding healthier and equally delicious treats is so important. Kids should be able to have fun and trick-or-treat without worrying about their health being at stake. 

These vegan treats are easy to find! And we have come up with a list of candies that are delicious and that can be used as substitutes for your traditional. (Note: These candies do contain sugar and small amounts of dye, so please be advised that they are not entirely healthy, just great substitutes for non-vegan candies).

Vegan Candy 


-Smart Sweets Gummies and Chocola 

-Unreal Chocolates 

-Solely Gummies

-Lindt Lindor Truffles 

-Mott’s Gummies

-Reese’s Oat Milk Peanut Butter Cups

-Skittles (Classic, Sour, Tropical Editions)




-Fun Dip

-Ring pops

-Sweet Tarts

-Swedish Fish

-Jolly Ranchers

-Larry Taffy