NJveg Business Members

Vegan in NJ

Adar Darnov

Tracy Lee Sullivan | FIVESTAR Design Studio

Tracy Lee Sullivan
Owner | Graphic Designer
office 609.688.0840 | cell 609.240.4636
Tracy@FIVESTARdesignStudio.com | www.FIVESTARdesignStudio.com

Join NJveg as a business member and have your business card displayed here!
(OK, not exactly here, but slightly above this.)

If you have a vegan friendly business you would like listed on our Member Benefits page, you can do so by offering NJveg members a discount.  Please contact NJveg at NJveg.org@gmail.com or 609-557-7077 (text preferred).

Sample Business Ads (humor?)
Billy Joe Jim Bob’s Down Home Vegtaurant
100 Main Ave, East Philadelphia, NJ
856-555-1234 | billyjoejimbobsdownhomevegtaurantnj.com
Offering lots of good ol’ southern vegan meals, since 2023!
NJveg member:  Billy Joe Jim Bob Jones
Gibfen Air Guitars
1812 Overture Hwy, Rock Beach, NJ
800-800-8000 | gibfen.com
Offering the very best.  All styles and sizes.
NJveg member:  Paul Les
Mary Quite Contrary Rebuttal Service
200 Road St, Mount Cherry, NJ
609-555-4321 | maryquitecontrary.com
Need we say more?
NJveg member:  Mary Gardner