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Educational Outreach – Vegan in NJ Market – Merchantville

May 4 @ 12:00pm - 5:00pm


NJveg will answer questions and provide free literature on the benefits of a plant-based life.  Come out for an hour, or the entire event.  Help spread the word that going vegan saves animals, protects the environment, and improves your health!  No experience is necessary.  We particularly need help setting up (at about 11:15am) and packing up (to about 5:30pm).  Please let us know what times you are available.  Please consider coming out to the market, especially if you haven’t before, and say hello!

We need volunteers for this and other educational outreach.  If you’re interested in joining NJveg’s outreach team, please contact us at NJveg.org@gmail.com or 609-557-7077 (text preferred).

Ryan’s Retail, 22 N Centre St, Merchantville, NJ 08109


May 4
12:00pm - 5:00pm
Event Category:


NJ Veg
View Organizer Website

Outreach volunteer

Please only RSVP if you can volunteer. Let us know what times you can help by emailing NJveg.org@gmail.com or texting 609-557-7077. Thanks!

2 Going

View our planned (but unscheduled) events here.  View our previous events here.

Event ideas are welcome!  Additional events planned or in the works, including educational outreach, volunteer work days at animal sanctuaries, hiking/walking + vegan dining, vegan potlucks, vegan gourmet meals, speakers, and much more!

Please let us know what events you are interested in!  Venue suggestion are welcome.  Contact us at NJveg.org@gmail.com  or  609-557-7077 (text preferred).

Everyone is welcome at NJveg events:  vegan, vegetarian, or veg-curious!  Our events are open to the public, except when noted as members only.  All NJveg events are completely vegan.  Please view our event guidelines.  Check your email on the day of the event for the possibility of cancellation.  If you’re not on our mailing list, you can sign up here.  We hope to see you in the near future!

If an event is currently full, you’re welcome to join a waitlist.  Contact us at NJveg.org@gmail.com  or  609-557-7077 (text), noting which event and how many would like to attend.